The "game" Trivial Pursuit video is based on the original game with stunning visual presentation, new types of questions and problems entirely new, innovative developments and how to play me. Highlights of documents and the manner of Friends adds a new social dynamic in the game that everyone involved in the promotion of players to guess if their opponents and answer questions correctly.
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Customer Reviews
Even more fun than the board game, with extra new modes
First let me say that I loved the old, blue box, Trivial Pursuit. It continues to be a great game and I was skeptical that it could translate well to a video game console.
I was wrong to doubt. The PS3 version of the game is crisp, looks great, and has fun animations when your puck moves about. I was also worried that the questions would be too easy, as they are mainly multiple choice - wrong again. Some of them are real stumpers. Additionally, there are new ways they've come up with to ask questions, for example - a geography question showing a map and forcing you to pick one of four points with no political boundaries shown. Can be tough. Some of the questions also use photos, which is fun as well. The questions are also a great mix of classic trivia and up-to-date information - one question even asked to choose the website that was not a social networking site: myspace, facebook, live journal, or icanhascheezburger. I can has fun?
The single-player mode is quite fun, and I can see that I will be spending a great deal of time with it. The classic mode is great for a group (have only played with three so far) and doesn't seem to take as long as a marathon session with the board game sometimes did. There is also a quicker multiplayer mode that's quite enjoyable and can be played in less than 30 minutes.
My only complaint is that they've added a voiceover by a guy who's really quite annoying. He suggests at times that you look up the word loser so you can see a picture of yourself, and is overall tough to listen to after an hour or so. That's OK, you can turn him down or off.
Great job, great game!
Loved this game
I bought this game for my son who lives in another state. I visited his home in Sept. and we played Trivial Pursuit together. I loved it. He is very good at games and I actually beat him one time with this. I highly recommend this for a fun family game.
Great Trivia Game- Lots of fun!!
The game is great!! All the fun of the original, online updates and "expansion packs" keep it current.
I have versions of Trivial Pursuit from around the world as well as era specific sets and find the PS/3 version of the game is great fun!!
Highly recommended!!!
Price: $19.98
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