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PS3 Wireless Controller

PS3 Wireless Controller

Freed from the concern for son with this wireless controller for PS3

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #18453 in Video Games
  • Brand: Psyclone Games
  • Model: PSE1000
  • Released on: 2008-07-21
  • Platform: PLAYSTATION 3

  • Features

  • 2.4 GHZ

  • Customer Reviews

    Had the potential to be great!!3
    NO RUMBLE and NO SIXAXIS. I don't understand why Psyclone didn't include at least the rumbling feature. A lot of people where blasting sony for not including it in the original sixaxis. Really disappointing because I really like the way it feels in my hand and the triggers. The triggers are some of the best designed on any controller in my opinion. They move so smoothly. They offer hardly any resistance. Kind of reminds me of my Springfield XD 45 in a way. I wish I could take the insides of the dualshock and put them in this controller. It would be perfect for me. It also has a on/off switch which is nice. The aluminum on the controller feels really nice especially if its cold. I would keep this controller if it just had rumble in it. I can do without the sixaxis but not the rumble. Psyclone had a good idea with this item but just failed to out do the dualshock. The analog sticks are stiffer then sony's but I actually found myself enjoying their stiffness. If you don't need the rumbling feature or sixaxis then this would be a great product for you. Oh yeah this is a RF controller so it won't turn on your PS3 but it does have a home button.

    Pretty Darn Good5
    Yes this controller does not have six axis control (who cares) or rumble (would have been nice) but what it does have is a much better feel than the dualshock 3. The bigger controller reminds me a lot more of the much superior xbox 360 controller. The L2 and R2 triggers are way better than the ones on the dualshock. The spring action feels right and your fingers dont slip off of them. Also the sticks are stiffer and feel more accurate for fps and racing games. Im very impressed with it. In their next version if they add rumble then they will have the perfect controller. As is I give it a 4.5.

    Great Controller FOR COD:WaW...A little too stiff on the R1/L1 though...4
    Got this at Target for $20 on clearance. Since I play COD:WaW with this controller, I can't say the same for other games. I like it. Controller works. The sticks a little stiff but does the job. Online gaming, the right stick was a bit unresponsive but maybe because I haven't broken it in yet. I like the RF connector on teh ps3, it doesn't look like a regular USB plug, it camouflage itself well. I can definitely see myself buying another one (for $20) and have only ONE official ps3 controller. COD seem to have broken the left stick on both my official ps3 controller.

    MY problem is with the R1/L1 button. Aiming with the L1, I can't just lightly tap it, I have to hold it down firm. Lightly tapping it down, my player would aim for 2 - 3 sec and release the aim. If I held it down tight, it doesn't happen. Maybe it needs to be broken in too. Same thing with the R1. Sometime, my firing would cease and I have to repeatedly tap the R1 button. Great with semi and/or single shot, BAD with auto and machine gun.

    My FIX: Change the button layout from Default to Default Flip (xbox360 config) which change the aim/shoot to the trigger and swap teh grenades to R1/L1. The triggers were awesome.

    Will update soon regarding R1/L1 sensitivity. (Oh yeah, I try changing the game sensitivity up but that got me dizzy. LOL. Back to medium sensitivity).

    Price: $48.99

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