Two epics of conquest, the fate and revenge, God of War and God of War II, the return for the first time on Blu-ray Disc! In God of War: Colleciton, players can explore the mysterious world of ancient Greece through Kratos, a brutal warrior determined to kill the god of war and change that no mortal has never changed ..destination.
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Editorial Reviews Product Description
A must-have for action/adventure fans on the PlayStation 3 platform, the God of War Collection features both PlayStation 2 single player classics, God of War and God of War II. Remastered in high definition and re-released for play on the PS3 this collection allows both longtime fans of the series and those coming to it new to indulge in the addictive action and puzzle-solving fun of taking on the gods ruling the world of ancient Greek mythology.
The God of War series, made up of God of War and God of War II, featuring the brutal yet tortured anti-hero Kratos, engrossing storylines based in Greek mythology, over-the-top addictive action and puzzle-solving gameplay and simple controls is often referred to as one of the best, and/or most popular single player action games series ever made for PlayStation 2. The truth in this can be seen in the fact that in an era dominated by more advanced game consoles, fans of the franchise who have held on to their PS2's still revisit these two games from time to time, while gamers who missed their initial releases are tempted to give them a try, even though they have moved on to a PS3. Regardless which side of this you find yourself on the God of War Collection holds something for you. Released in advance of the highly anticipated God of War III, the first game in the series developed for the PS3 platform and rumored to also be the last overall, this collection allows players to properly prepare themselves for the final chapter in the adventures of Kratos, entirely through their PS3. The Games God of War God of War II Key Game Features |
Customer Reviews
Best PS2 Game Ever Comes to the PS3
When I converted from XBox to Playstation a few years back, God of War was one of the first games I bought that was exclusive to the PS2. I've always loved Greek mythology, so I suppose that may be part of the reason why I quickly fell in love with the tragic story of Kratos. After finishing GoW1, I eagerly awaited the release of God of War 2. It was truly amazing that the PS2 was capable of producing such beautiful graphics. The story was even better than the original, and it left me hanging for part three in this wonderful franchise.
I've been patiently waiting for God of War 3 to hit the shelves, so I was quite surprised when I found out that the original two titles in the series were being remastered in high-definition for play on the PS3. I got my copy home, opened it, and loaded it onto my PS3. I'll just tell you right now that ALL of the content from the first two games is on one Blu-ray disc, including all of the extra features from disc 2 of GoW2.
So, is this worth an upgrade????? The answer is a resounding YES!!!! If you are a fan of the series, then you owe it to yourself to get this title and enjoy all of the improvements that have been made to both games. First of all, they have both had an overhaul in the graphics department. While GoW1 still doesn't quite measure up to the latest PS3 graphics standards, it is a big improvement over the old PS2 version. The game now fills the screen on a widescreen TV, and there is a noticable difference in the details of the graphics. The sound has also been improved and adds to the overall enjoyment of playing back through one of the greatest games ever created. You will also notice that the rumble feature is present, and there is quite a nice trophy collection for each game. Some of the trophies are quite funny. For instance, in GoW1, you can earn a trophy by dying so many times that the game offers you the ability to move to an easier setting. It was fun dying over and over just to earn this trophy. It's been a long time since I played GoW1, but it was amazing how much of the game I could remember.
The storyline for both games is completely the same, but the improvement in the graphics and sound is well worth the cheap purchase price for both games. This set should keep you busy trying to earn all of the trophies while you wait to get you paws on GoW3 in March 2010. And just to make things a little better, the demo that was available at E3 for God of War 3 is now available to anyone who purchases this collection. And let me tell you, the demo will leave you waiting in anticipation for the arrival of what will surely be the best game of 2010. In my humble opinion, God of War is one of the most enjoyable game series I've ever played. OK, ok, before I close out, I'll come clean. It's just so much more enjoyable ramming your blade down the throat of a minotaur and watching the blood gush out in high definition. Or maybe grabbing one of the bad guys and pulling their body in half with a mighty torrent of HD blood going everywhere. Yes, it does bring a smile to one's face to relive such great gaming moments in the clarity that only HD can provide. Whether you are a longtime fan of the franchise as I am, or if you are new to the God of War trilogy, you MUST get this new collection. I guarantee that you will NOT be disappointed.
God of War Collection=Must Own
I have never played the GOW series on ps2, and now I am living the hype that i heard about on ps2 year ago. This game is addicting and alot of fun! It has gore, blood, and some other MATURE items you should look into before getting it for a kid. The remastering makes it look great and the sound is wonderful. I have played just a few hours and can't put the controller down. It also comes with a demo code for GOW 3 as well! Great package, and the only real knock i can give so far is the cut scenes are playstation 2 graphics, but it still looks good! I have been spoiled by HD Gaming and this game will not dissapoint! Must own for fans of the games and for new fans to come!
Kratos Like You've Never Seen Him Before........In High Def
I loved the God of War series and have always thought that the franchise is a major staple in the history of gaming and may single handily define Sony and their consoles. The fairly new anti-hero has established himself as a greatly unique character in the video game world. With his painfully deep back-story, to his constant deception by the gods of Olympus, Kratos is a character that fans can truly appreciate. Within the few years Kratos has existed, he has truly become something remarkable. From the PS2 to the PSP, Kratos has always been one of the most interesting lead characters in a game franchise. However, several years into the PS3 life cycle, Kratos has been absent from the new hardware. Sony has revitalized God of War with this collection so that even those who have purchased newer, non-backwards compatible PlayStation 3 hardware may be able to revisit the games that helped set a new standard for action games.
God of War Collection is just that, a collection of the first two games in the trilogy. The two games tell the story of Kratos' initial deception at the hands of the gods, all the way to his epic confrontation with Zeus himself. The disc features all of the original content from the first two games, but all stored conveniently on one disc. Running in native 720p, as compared to upscaling to 720p via backward compatible units playing the PS2 versions, the games run much smoother than their last generation counterparts. With great anti-aliasing being utilized, the game looks like a new game all on its own. It's almost impossible to think that these were once PS2 games. The one thing that Sony did overlook when producing this game was enhancing the cut-scenes of the game that utilize the in-game engine. These still appear to have the same resolution of the original games since when the game gets to these moments a drastically noticeable drop in resolution occurs. This is just a minor flaw and I can completely overlook it since I still think they look fairly good, just not as good as the rest of the game.
If anyone has not played the first two games of this franchise, then I highly recommend this game. If someone owns the original two games, I also highly recommend this purchase since you will be missing out on trophies and native 720p resolution. The game also comes packaged with a voucher for the demo version of God of War III. So there is really no reason why someone who owns a PS3 should not pick this game up, even if you've played the originals they fail in comparison to this version. If you've ever been interested or intrigued by the series, now is your chance to get the first two parts of the trilogy for the same price it would cost to purchase the two PS2 versions.
Price: $29.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details
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