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SingStar Bundle

SingStar Bundle

SingStar for PlayStation ® 3 will change the way they spend their time with friends and family. After the successful formula established with the SingStar PlayStation ® 2, SingStar for the PlayStation ® 3 will offer the same social dependency, but now with improved PlayStation ® 3 exclusive offer with HD quality video, songs, videos and downloadable content, and extensive experience in online communities. Tracks: Amy Winehouse - Back To Black, Beck - Loser, Blind Melon - No Rain Blink-182 - all the little things, Britney - Toxic Britney, Clocks Coldplay - Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On, Crash Dave Matthews Band - Into Me, David Bowie - Let's Dance, Faith No More - Epic, Franz Ferdinand - Do You Want To, Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing, New Found Glory - My Friends Over You, Ne-Yo - So Sick, OutKast - Ya Hey! , Pixies - Here Comes Your Man REM - Losing My Religion, Radiohead - No Surprises, The Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated, Scissor Sisters - I Don't Feel Like Dancin ', Automatico El Monster Automatico -, The Cardigans - Lovefool, The Killers - Mr. Brightside, de La Pussycat Dolls - Beep, The Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil, The Smashing Pumpkins - Hoy, U2 - Beautiful Day, Warrant - Cherry Pie, Buddy Weezer - Holly, Train Love Wolfmother -.

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1056 in Video Games
  • Brand: Sony
  • Model: 98151
  • Published on: 2008-05
  • Released on: 2008-05-20
  • ESRB Rating: Teen
  • Platform: PLAYSTATION 3
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 3.00" h x 9.75" w x 13.00" l, 2.15 pounds

  • Features

  • SingStore™: Download and purchase hundreds of songs and videos across multiple genres to build your perfect SingStar playlist.
  • My SingStar Online: Share your personal SingStar performances and experiences by uploading your own photos and performances. Also view and rate videos created by others within the SingStar online community.
  • High Definition Videos: With the Blu Ray disc, watch your favorite videos in full high definition.
  • Social Gameplay: Perform in solo and multiplayer gameplay With the Blu Ray disc, watch your favorite videos in full high definition.

  • Customer Reviews

    Singing has never been so much FUN5
    I have to admit I have been a skeptic of the Singstar franchise. With game after game on the PS2 it didn't really anything I was ever interested in. Now with it's new life on the PS3 it is a whole other game. Singstar is without a doubt the best party game available right now on the PS3. It is also a prime example of how much fun community gaming can be.

    From the minute you pop the disc in it's simple to navigate the menu. You esentially have three options. Play Singstar, view gallery, and online. I am going to cover each option so that you can understand how much fun this game is.

    Playing Singstar gives you a choice of thirty songs to croon over. The thirty songs are a mix of pop, r&b, and rock. Sorry country fans, your not going to find any of your favorite songs on this disc. Although you only get 30 songs to chooose from there are well over 200 available on the Singstore. More on that later. Now with Singstar you can just have a solo performance or if you have your friends around there are plenty more options. You can actually have contests with up to eight people. The possibilities are really endless. With multiplayer you can either perform a duet or battle others. There are specific songs for duet although every song will let you perform a duet. With a battle you can take on others to try and get the highest score. With the performances they are scored on a scale of 0 to 10,000. There are also difficulty levels if you want more of a challenge. The object is rather simple: Sing at the same tone as the artists. As you sing you really have to make sure you can keep the same level as the musician. On easy it's rather simple to get a good score. Upping the difficulty level makes it that much more difficult. What makes the performances memorable is that you can record your vocals. Now if your voice is or isn't very good you can adjust microphone level. What makes Singstar magic is having a USB camera that is compatible with the PS3 or a PS Eye. The camera will record a 25 second video of you belting out your greatest. You can even take the artists voice out of the songs. Of course I wouldn't advise anyone to do this unless they have a good voice. Now the audio clips, videos, and even snapshots the camera will take go into your gallery.

    Now the gallery is what stores your best or worst performances. From here you can let other people see your performance at home. The gallery will store numerous videos, audio clips, and pics. What makes the gallery truly a gallery is that you can upload any of these things online to the Singstar interface.

    Online is what takes this game to the next level. The Singstore is what the PSN should be. Immediately you get to choose from over 200 more songs that are available in the store. Each song sells for $1.49 and comes with the video. Not a bad price for some good fun. The Singstore will update with songs every other week. SONY is promising 25 to 50 songs a month. The artists cover a wide array of music genres dating back to the 1960's to songs that have just been released. I have already found myself downloading numerous songs I enjoy. The new music will keep this game fresh for quite a few months if not years.

    The most amazing feature is the Singstar Online feature. From the main menu you can set up your profile listing your favorite song and musician. You can also have a picture taken from your USB camera. From your profile you can also view messages people leave you and check your uploaded videos to see if people are giving you good scores. You can also access other players. Set up like Youtube you can watch players from all around the world perform their best. The interface allows you to watch videos that have just been uploaded. You can also check out featured performances for the week. These are the higher scoring songs. And lastly they have a hall of fame featuring the highest rated most viewed performances. You can score any performance from 1 to 5 stars and even leave comments to the performer. If you really like someones performance there is an easy way to access your friends list and mailbox and request a person to be on your friends list. I have seen some stellar performances and I have also seen your very creative performance. This is a definite incentive to try and make something interesting for everyone to see. All in all this is what I enjoy most about the game.

    If I were to sum up Singstar I would say it's an experience everyone should try. It's fun, a lot of fun. It's a great break from other gaming experiences and it's a good way to invite people over to do some karoke. I think that most who enjoy to sing in the shower or car should purchase this game. Those who have enjoyed it on the PS2 should enjoy it even more on the PS3. Have fun and try to become a Singstar...

    Singstar is a blast!5
    I picked up Singstar the first day it was released here in the USA and am not disappointed. This is exactly what you would expect from a Singstar made for the PS3 with only one exception which I'll get to later. The menu's are very cool and even show little video clips as you move through all the songs trying to decide which one to sing. The menus are very fast and you can be singing a song in no time.

    The mics work very well. I have Rock Band for PS3 and these mics are better than the Rock Band mic. They have a nice heavy feel to them and seem to do a great job of picking up your voice. It's very neat to actually have the real video playing while you are singing the song. This leads to my one nitpick about Singstar. Not all videos are in high definition. In fact, I think most of them are just in standard def. While this probably won't matter one bit to you if you don't have a widescreen high def tv it did annoy me a little as some videos can look zoomed in and a little low def. But one thing to keep in mind on this. 99% of the time you're looking at the words and not the video anyway so it's not really a big deal in my opinion.

    This brings us to the best thing about Singstar, online media. Singstar for PS3 allows you to upload videos of you singing (using the Playstation Eye camera) as well as pictures the camera catches during the song. If you don't have a camera it also records the audio of your singing attempt. You can upload all three of these to the online Singstar network or choose only one type of upload, i.e. video only, pics only, audio only. This is where the fun begins. Your videos, pics and audio can be viewed and rated by all the other online Singstar people. Even better, you can view videos, pics and audio from Singstar players all over the world and rate them if you choose!! Nothing is funnier than seeing a guy dressed up in a full body, good quality Chewbacca outfit singing and dancing to Scissor Sisters! You will become addicted to surfing through all the videos and finding the funny ones to watch.

    Another good thing about this is that you have view options for all three types of media such as, Highest Rated, Newest Uploads and Hall of Fame. It's very much like a "YouTube" for Singstar and the results can be hilarious, confusing, cute, awe inspiring or just plain goofy. If you have people on your Playstation friends who have Singstar you can view their account on Singstar online and see any videos, pics, audio. Incredibly cool online component of this game. You can set your video, pics and audio to private so the whole Singstar community doesn't see them but I have not done this since community ratings are a big part of the fun in my opinion. Overall if you like this type of game I don't think you will be disappointed. The game actually exceeded my expectations!

    Terrific party game with one or two areas for improvement4
    Well, FINALLY, Sony has seen fit to release SingStar PS3 in the US. Lord know why it was delayed so, since it's been up and running across the pond for many months. But it's here, and the short review is, it is good.

    On the plus side:

    -The interface is slick. It is generally pretty easy to find and play the songs you like. The microphones are very nice, although they are wired. But it's not a huge dealbreaker, since it would just be another thing to charge. In a nice move, previous PS2 mics are still compatible, so if you have those, you're not forced to upgrade a la Guitar Hero.

    -Anyone who enjoys singing will generally enjoy this game. I partake of 'live' karaoke myself, and this game is both good practice as well as a great party ice breaker.

    -The battle and 'pass the mic' modes are great fun. There are multiple challenges such as 'micro-medley', first to 5000 points, etc., which spin through your tracks and alternate players. It's a great way to get 8 people rocking on two mics, and a good party game.

    -PSEye integration is neat. It really adds to the online segment of the game, since it involves hundreds of people posting silly videos of themselves online for others to chuckle at. If you have't seen a pair of 5 year-olds sing "Toxic" yet, you haven't seen entertainment.

    -The SingStore is a great way to let people pick and choose their content, instead of booster discs which may not have all you like. $1.49 is a good price for a full song with a music video, better than competing games and better than services like iTunes.

    On the minus side:

    -The difficulty levels are a bit wonky and imprecise. "Easy" will allow you to be a full note up or down and still score you along the score bar "line." Not the best way to help people tune up. If you switch to "hard," the game is much less forgiving and will dock points when you are sharp or flat. This is a good thing... but where is Medium? As best I can tell, Medium is exactly the same as Easy. Pitch doesn't count for much. Maybe it demands better rhythm? Clearer delineation between difficulty levels would be nice.

    -Download speeds are stupid-slow. a 60mb video should not take 30 minutes to download - especially when I can download a 100mb game from the Playstation store in less than 5! Also, this sluggish server issue permeates user videos as well.

    -Some of the menu navigation choices are irritating. Why do I have to press triangle to change the name of the singer? Does the d-pad not work? Some of the menu transitions are less than intuitive.

    -Volume levels fluctuate. I'll crank up a song to hear the vocal line, then when it is over, I am blasted out by the menu's generic techno music. Seriously, just level it out, it can't be that hard.

    -Bizarre "line" choices, inaccurate lines. On some songs with multiple vocal parts, the "line" will switch seemingly at random from melody to harmony, and then back again. Very difficult to follow logically, especially without a space to breathe in.

    Needed improvements:

    -Online leaderboards with video clips. Instead of a random mish-mash of videos, how about leaderboards for each song? That way, we can search by song, and then search both by singstar score and by user ratings.

    -Local leaderboards organized by player. There are only five slots on each song's leaderboard. This makes it difficult for users with lower sores to track their own progress on a song. It would be very useful to be able to access a "user profile" which has a user's entire history, high scores, song averages, etc. A "rating" system like Wii Sports would be neat.

    -"Real" karaoke tracks. While I think the presence of the original videos is cool and a great way to appreciate music (especially from those wacky 80s), the karaoke singer in me would like to have real karaoke tracks that are mastered without vocals, to really give me the option to practice for the "real world."

    -Song choice. I realize that different regions have different rights agreements or whatever. But why the heck isn't every track sold for the US-region PS2 games on the SingStore? Doesn't Sony already have the rights for these songs, not to mention that they already have the songs programmed for the game? Also, there are several popular genres which are WAY underrepresented. Country? Motown? Disco? Classic Rock from the 60s and 70s? We need some Doors, people... Also, Sony has had different song lists for the EU vs. North America. Why do they get Belinda Carlisle, who, as of the last time I checked, is actually American, while we don't?

    Overall, this is a very fun game with a lot of appeal, especially for more "casual" gamers. My girlfriend has played more of this than any other game I own. It is fun, accessible, and has great long-term legs with the SingStore and user-generated content.

    If they iron out a few technical points and get a really robust song list online, this game will get played for years by me and I am sure tens of thousands more. Highly recommended to anyone who enjoys singing, anyone who wants a party game that takes less hand eye coordination than Guitar Hero, and any pop music fan.

    Price: $36.65 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details

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