As a member of a gang of unscrupulous smugglers and work hard to evade the border police with us, the CIA and the severed heads of his rivals to deliver illegal Cargo.itll take complete control of his jeep make it through four broad realistic environments (desert ice tundra of the Rocky Mountains and muddy rainforest) that are each over 100 square miles. In a single player game as the leader of his gang to which control up to three teammates and 15 other types of highly modified bike. Multiplayer support allows up to four players or compete and cooperate. Add realistic driving physics "sense of the road" that simulates the land of different qualities of soil loose muddy sand road hard and compact, and even snow and ice. Option A Joy "Just go zones allow players to experience the environment when making deliveries to the black market.
Product Details
Editorial Reviews Review
In Smuggler's Run, you play as a member of an outlaw gang whose primary objective is to successfully smuggle contraband from point A to point B while behind the wheel, be it nuclear secrets, explosive material, counterfeit money, or what have you. The goal, while it varies from level to level, is to deliver as much contraband and make as much money as possible while cruising in your SUVs, two- and four-wheel-drive trucks, Baja buggies, rally cars, and even military vehicles. Each type of vehicle has its own unique feel and handling.
As if this task weren't difficult enough, you have the CIA and the police on your tail. You're going to have to hurry, because in most cases you're given predetermined time limits to complete your pick-ups and drop-offs. And, to top things off, rival gangs also are after the same goods that you're transporting. Smuggler's Run is like a game of tag, only with vehicles.
To add another level of excitement to the game, Angel Studios--the same people who developed the popular Midtown Madness series for the PC--has added real-time vehicle damage as an unavoidable, nasty side effect of racing across treacherous terrain. In this way, the game straddles the fence between a simulation and an arcade game.
Smuggler's Run has a mission-based campaign mode, and is laid out over a dozen levels, with huge environments, sprawling desert landscapes, rural towns, forests, and snow-capped mountains. The game also features an open-ended joyride mode for one or two players (split screen) and "Turf Wars," which allows one or two players to create custom scenarios to suit individual tastes. There's even some "Capture the Flag" thrown in, for good measure.
Smuggler's Run is moderately impressive with its graphics. Extra touches, such as pedestrians, animals, ambient traffic, cacti, trees, roadblocks, waterfalls, and rivers, add to the all-important suspension of disbelief, but there are other, prettier racing games on the Dreamcast and PC.
When all is said and done, Smuggler's Run is a decent and enjoyable racing game for PlayStation2. While the game might not be the best that the new system has to offer, gamers who are looking for a one- or two-player racing experience might want to take it for a spin. --Todd Mowatt
Cons: Product Description
What comes to mind when you think of contraband? Foreign fruits and vegetables? Counterfeit postage stamps? Pirated David Hasselhoff CDs? LikeHan Solo in Star Wars, your job isn't to ask questions--yours is to get the product safely across the border. In Smuggler's Run you'll need to outrun both the law--in the forms of the U.S. Border Patrol, CIA, and various military groups--and rival smugglers in three large rural environments. You'll tear across farms, over fences, and through forests with nonplaying supporting characters that can distract and attack your pursuers. The game comes with three gameplay modes: campaign, melee, and head-to-head multiplayer.
GameSpot Review
Smuggler's Run puts you in the shoes of an aspiring smuggler who must move contraband across the border while avoiding rival gangs, rough terrain, and the fuzz. All of this translates into more vehicular mayhem than a Blues Brothers marathon, as the basic rule is drive fast and furious, and most of all, don't get caught.
The game sports five modes of play. The primary mode is the smuggler's mission mode, where a semblance of a plot guides you through a series of missions that collectively represent objectives from all the other game modes. The crooks and smugglers mode pits you against a whole slew of other smugglers in an every-man-for-himself competition to deliver the loot to the checkpoint. The loot grab mode puts you in one of two rival gangs of smugglers who are working to deliver the most contraband to their particular drop-off. In both of these modes you can steal the contraband from the carrier by smashing into his vehicle, which makes for fast-paced action. The checkpoint race mode eliminates the contraband altogether and simply has you racing opponents through a series of checkpoints, and the joyriding mode eliminates all the distractions and lets you take a leisurely drive through any of the game's three massive maps.
The smuggler's mission mode is where most of the single-player game takes place. In it you assume the role of a rookie smuggler who has to prove himself and take his smuggling operation to the top of the underworld ranks. The fairly weak plotline is explained and your mission objectives are spelled out for you in a quick narrative before each mission. The missions themselves range from the basic smuggling operation that involves moving the contraband from point A to point B, to customized versions of the checkpoint race and the loot grab modes, to completely original objectives like destroying a series of radar towers.
In most of the game modes, the main enemy is the clock, and the secondary enemies are the legions of police out to stop you. Most of the game takes place off the street, and the terrain is appropriately rugged. Your vehicle will take damage not only from collisions with other vehicles and objects but also from bouncing over particularly rough terrain. When your damage meter runs out, your engine stalls, and if a police vehicle touches you while you're stalled, you'll be placed under arrest. If no police are around, you might manage to restart your engine after a few moments and be on your way. However, since this game has an insane amount of unremitting police vehicles after you at any given moment, actually recovering from a stalled engine is pretty rare. The AI controlling the police is absolutely relentless - the cop will you chase you everywhere. Most of the time the police cars are significantly faster than yours, forcing you to check your real-time map frequently so you can use the terrain to your advantage. Because the police vehicles are so much faster, they often launch over hills and slopes and catch some tremendous air that more often than not results in a spectacular car crash. The secret behind Smuggler's Run is correctly judging the terrain. While the game does let you slightly correct your pitch while in midair, if you want to be a better player, you will not only have to pick the best route through each level, but you will also have to carefully navigate the game's many hills and dips. A large arrow points you in the general direction of your particular mission objective, but it serves as little more than a general indicator of the basic direction you want to go and doesn't take into account obstacles like gigantic mountains or huge lakes.
While the gameplay is pretty solid and the mission objectives are clear, there isn't enough spice between missions because of the lack of a clear-cut plot. After you play through half of the levels in the smuggler's mission mode, the game gets pretty repetitive, and there's not enough variance between levels to really make any of the missions stand out too well. Additionally, the smuggler's mission mode doesn't use enough of the checkpoint race or loot grab scenarios to really mix up the action, and since you play through each of the game's three terrains in a linear series of missions, you spend most of your time simply running contraband through the same map over and over. Though the game has several types of contraband that vary from mission to mission, the lack of cutscenes or even a concise story keeps you from getting too excited about running your cargo. While there's plenty of fun to be had from the game's multiplayer versions of the crooks and smugglers and loot grab modes, a little more emphasis on storytelling would have done wonders for Smuggler's Run.
The game itself looks really good. The terrain is large and detailed, and pop-up and fog are nowhere to be found. Each of the three maps is static and huge - the missions take place in small sections of the map, but you're never limited in where you can roam. Each of the individual maps has a great amount of detail, and nice effects like tire marks, wildlife, train tracks, and actual hiking trails really add to the realism of the game. Each of the vehicles, though generic and nonlicensed, looks appropriate and has body parts that can be damaged and actually fall off your vehicle. Some of the detail on the cars is superb - each of the game's vehicles features actual shock column physics, and each tire reacts accordingly to the terrain beneath it. Even the torque of your motor is taken into consideration. With the exception of the unrealistic ability to change your pitch while in midair, the game features pretty accurate and extremely impressive physics.
The game features a half techno, half pseudo-lounge soundtrack. The music is very well done, and it really adds to the overall experience. An unnamed female who works for your smuggling operation acts as your narrator and chimes in with fairly unhelpful and often sexually suggestive quips while you're driving. Other characters in the environment vocally interact with you - police beg you to stop your vehicle, hikers plead for their lives as you mow them down, and rival gangs insult you when you steal their contraband. All of the voice work is really well done, and the characters sound just like you would expect them to. Sound effects like engine noises and clunks as you bottom out over hills are very good and help complete the excellent audio package.
Smuggler's Run is an excellent game with a very cool premise and solid gameplay to back it up. Though the game gets a little dry and repetitive after a while, the limitless opportunities found in the multiplayer modes and the insane vehicular stunts that make up a good portion of the game's action make it a worthy addition to any driving fan's game library.--Ben Stahl--Copyright © 2000 GameSpot Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of GameSpot is prohibited.
Customer Reviews
Wreel Off-Roadin' Thrills
I am 47 years old. This is only the second review I've writen to Amazon. ... I bought 8 games the first day, including Ridge Racer 5, DOA2, Madden 2001, SSX, Kessen, and Unreal Tournament. They are all awsome games in their own right, and so is the PS2 system in most ways. I like many genre of intertainment. But I love this game. So does a 31 year old friend who played it alone for 5 hours at my house. I played it for over twice that time (making myself late for work one day). There are, as the gamers review points out, many variables and choices to the 4 game modes available, from going head-to-head, to a free roaming mode where you are free to just go off-roading in a 5 mile square of either forest, desert, or mountain snow (it's the same territory as the forest with entirely new techniques). I had fun knocking cars, trucks and RVs into the forest river while in the free roaming mode, while a friend of mine found out that he could go into an eternal free-fall by scaling up the snow-frozen waterfall and driving off the mountain edge of the map. All the vehicles (10 or so) have different handling algorithms and it's fun to watch your car's body parts fly off as you rip through border patrol cars or hit a deep gulley. Driving skills are a must to advance to the highest levels, as well as familiarity with the areas, and some expiriance with gravity effects in the game. The Border Patrol officials get tougher as you progess, attempting to bulldoze you over and trap you for an arrest ('Crazy Taxi' goals, only with cops to stop you!). The mode where you are a member of a team and competing with another team to steal the most contraband from a crashed plane, ect. is fun in a second way, because you're stealing stuff from the other guys as a team (kinda like soccer, only you really SOCK 'em). I also have a Dreamcast (another fun machine), but I've not found anywhere, a better game. Even the kids (7 to 12, boys AND GIRLS) found this game both fun and addictive. This game is truly a good buy, and for a first generation game, hits the limits of displaying the known processing power of the system. But again, the bottom line is it's fun.
You will enjoy this me.
If you've ever longed for an interactive driving environment, from mowing down herds of buffalo to terrorizing unsuspecting families in their RV's--this game is for you. IT IS FUN. Me and my pal were killing ourselves laughing. In order to justify most of the potential violence in this game, the makers have adopted a sort of "Warner-Bros." attitude to the people and animals that you run down. After hitting them, they fly up and away in the most dramatic fashion, but they always get up for more (and become scared of you, trying to run away--in vain of course!). You can lay in wait at a traffic light, knock it over and watch the cars wipe out as it falls on them. You can stalk an RV, ram it hard, and after it tips, push it along the road and over the side of a bridge into the river. You can laugh with delight at ice-fishers desperately trying to run away from your carnage-craving car, to no avail as their feet slip and slide on the ice.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot! In case your so inclined to actually play the missions in the game, it will provide hours and days of re-playable fun.
Highly recommended (especially for those of you who need stress-relief)
This is a great game!
If you like being chased after by 6 cops who are faster than you, and are will do anything in their means possible to stop you, including ruin their cars, this is the game for you. In single player mode there are enough missions to keep you playing a whole long time. I myself am only on mission 12 and I have been playing for one day. it starts off easy but once you reach the double digit missions it gets a whole lot harder. As for multiplayer mode, it is really sweet. My favorite thing to do is to just free ride around with my friends and explore the levels( snow, desert, forest) which are very extensive. I'd hafta say climbing mountians in this game is really fun. Anyways, if you like car games, and if you like being chased by the cops and having a deadline on your time to deliver the goods, this is definetly a game you would like.
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