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Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI

Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI

Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI lets you rediscover an ancient civilization with an explosive story. Based on the novel of 120 chapters, relates the collapse of China in the second and third centuries of our era - and the fatal events that followed. Dig deep within to prove yourself adept at both military and political arts in order that the rule of China under one. Create A New Official middle, with 24 customizable unique character attributes not include the voice options in English and Chinese by-step tutorial for beginners, stirring original music composed by Yoshihiro Ike

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3655 in Video Games
  • Brand: Koei
  • Released on: 2007-02-06
  • ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+
  • Platform: PlayStation2
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .50" h x 5.25" w x 7.50" l, .22 pounds

  • Features

  • Delve into 10 scenarios, plus 10 preset scenarios and 8 special challenges
  • 40 base commands allow you to govern cities and districts, manage personnel, conduct diplomacy and more
  • New Technique System rewards you with points every time you command your men - used to learn special skills that improve the abilities of your forces
  • Drive or lure enemies into devastating ambushes with the Advanced Tactics System
  • 100 officer skills, including Divine Fire and Entrap

  • Editorial Reviews


    Rediscover an ancient civilization with an explosive history in the most stunning edition of Romance of the Three Kingdoms to Date.

    Based on the 120 chapter novel that recounts the near collapse of China at the end of the Han Dynasty and the fateful events that followed during the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D., you'll need to dig deep within to prove yourself adept at both the military and ploitical arts in order to bring China under one rule. Domestic affairs, diplomacy and warfare are all conducted on a single vast 3D relief map, dramatically bringing to life the epic scale of the adventure that lies before you.

  • Vivid 3D scenes inspired by classical Chinese ink paintings. Domestic affairs, diplomacy and warfare are seamlessly integrated and conducted on a vast 3D map of China.
  • Turn-based gameplay lets you plan your strategy then execute war tactics for improved control of your military campaigns.
  • New Technique System that rewards you with points every time you command your men - points which can then be used to learn special skills that improve the abilities of your forces.
  • Drive or lure enemies into devastating ambushes with the Advanced Tactics System. Link tactics together for maximum damage.
  • Duel and debate with enemy officers in 3D. Demonstrate your brilliance with the revamped debate system.
  • Meet and interact with over 780 officers and supporting characters.
  • Delve into 10 scenarios, plus 10 preset scenarios and 8 special challenges.
  • Over 40 base commands allow you to govern cities and districts, manage personnel, conduct diplomacy and more.
  • 100 officer skills from which to choose, including "Divine Fire" and "Entrap".
  • Create-an-officer mode with 24 customizable unique character attributes.
  • For the first time, English and Chinese Voice Options.
  • Step-by-step tutorials for beginners.
  • Stirring original score composed by Yoshihiro Ike.

  • Customer Reviews

    Koei does it again5
    I doubt that the people viewing this product are not familiar with (some of) the previous 10 instalments of the RotTK series. Personally, I was introduced to RotTK when the 7th series came out on PS2. Since the seventh, each new instalment that comes out simply 'chibifies'/outranks the previous instalment in all aspects of game play - which makes me wonder if Koei will ever hit a ceiling (i hope not).

    The 11th instalment is in no way an exception. Though at first i was a little disappointed due to the complexity of the game, i realised the awesomeness was simply being overlooked by me due to my inability to quickly adapt to the new 'system'.

    The highlights of the game are (these may be spoilirish if you like being surprised):
    -You can marry of your officers
    -All the female figures are vassals
    -You can create Oaths
    -Transport of Material, Officers etc is not instantaneous - more realistic
    -You play the game as the sovereign (don't be turned of by this, you'll have full autonomy over your vassals, strategists etc)
    -The map is 3-D
    -The portraits of the prominent figures change as they age (though I haven't experienced this since so far i only played rise of heroes)

    The rest you'll have to experience yourself, all in all, the game is simply great!

    A bit slow to get into...4
    This game takes a good long while to get into. Even the game itself cops to it. When you are playing through the tutorial (with an unusually retarded Liu Bei I might add) your character will comment on how long it takes to actually get an army onto the field of battle. First you have to build barracks, then recruit guys, then drill the guys, then build a smith to create weapons, then make the weapons. Dear me, that's a lot of hand sitting. But the thing that really dragged this down for me was transporting materials. It's friggin' hard and it takes forever. Resource management is the number one issue in this game. If you don't plan things out right you might have one city with 40,000 gold and one with hardly any. Also, for some reason, whenever you attack and claim a city the gold in that city drops down to nothing even if it had tons of gold earlier. What is up with this 'scorched earth' crap? That is why it is good to bring gold with your troops when you attack so you can pay your officers and they won't get annoyed the next turn. Food, and soldiers take forever to send. Your better off just sending gold and then buying food.

    The good news is that combat is more interactive then Romance 9, the game that most closely ressembles this one. In that game you sent your army out and they kind of stood around and banged on the other army untill a tactic would randomly trigger. In this game you have control over when you use your tactics and in general you have more control of your army. Like 9 you have a lot of action going on at once. The whole 'you are attacking someone but someone else attacks you and then another force attacks another one of your cities, which one are you gonna try and save' chaos sort of deal. Only it is more difficult because of the aforementioned resource management. If I had to sum this game up in one sentence I would say that it has the chaos and free flowing combat of Romance 9 and the exacting resource management of Romance 8. The 3d thing is nice but not essential. At least they are improving the look of the game slightly. Still, while playing I frequently had the urge to stop and go back to playing one of the previous titles in the series. It is a good game that starts slow but build speed quickly once you get into it.

    Classic Turn-based Strategy is Back!5
    If you can't stand turn-based games, history lessons, or having to work with numbers, and if graphics are the most important thing to you in searching for a game (along with mindless action) then steer clear of this title. ROTK11 is an engaging game that you can easily spend days on. For those of you who have grow up playing L'Emporuer, Liberty or Death, Genghis Kan, Oda Nobunaga, and of course the previous ten ROTK titles then this is a godsend!

    ROTK11 is a throw-back to the earliest titles in the series. Unlike ROTK10 it is not single-player, you are allowed up to 8 factions to control as the player. Logistics, warfare, city development, etc. everything is executed on one world map (meaning no battle screens or pesty loading times). It may take some getting used to if you're not familiar with the layout of previous ROTK games. They kept the deuls (naturally it's been there since ROTKone) and the debate screens, but they aren't near as frequent as in ROTK10. No ranks, just sovereigns. A plethora of optional game settings and character customizations along with enough battle/game senerioes to keep you busy for a month.

    In summa:
    A MUST HAVE for strategy gamers who think big.

    Price: $79.99

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