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Tekken 3

Tekken 3

A Playstation. The fight of his life. New characters. hidden features.

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #5963 in Video Games
  • Brand: Namco
  • Released on: 1998-04-29
  • ESRB Rating: Teen
  • Platform: PlayStation

  • Features

  • 1-2 Players
  • Rated "T" - Animated Violence

  • Editorial Reviews

    Editorial Review
    A near arcade-perfect conversion of one of the best fighting games of all time, Tekken 3 is an essential PlayStation title that belongs in every gamer's library--especially now at its bargain-basement Greatest Hits price. While the one-on-one combat here is essentially two-dimensional, highly detailed 3-D character graphics and a roaming camera viewpoint give this game a distinctive 3-D look. Gameplay is fast and furious, with simple controls that are easy to learn. This game also allows for special moves and combos to be executed with relative ease. Various modes of play are available, including "Tekken Force," a one-player side-scrolling brawler.

    Chock full of goodies--most of which remain hidden until certain requirements are met--Tekken 3 rewards players' persistent endeavors with secret characters, alternate costumes, and yet another mode of play, Tekken ball, a bizarre variation on volleyball. Also, beating the game's arcade mode allows players to view a beautifully animated epilogue that's specific to whichever fighter they used. And once you've seen one, you just have to see them all. --Joe Hon


  • Near arcade-perfect conversion
  • Multiple modes of play, including Tekken force minigame
  • Lots of hidden features
  • Beautifully animated epilogues for each fighter

  • 2-D background graphics

    GameSpot Review
    Some of the PlayStation's biggest moments have centered around a Tekken game. Tekken 1 was released a few months after the PlayStation hit shelves and propelled the system to stardom. Tekken 2 came along, and was another "better-than-perfect" translation of the arcade version, adding modes and what were some of the most amazing FMV sequences available at the time. Tekken 3 has caused much debate prior to its release, as it was slated to be the first Tekken game that wouldn't be a perfect translation. While the backgrounds aren't quite as sharp (they're 2D) as the arcade version, the PlayStation version of Tekken 3 more than makes up for this with additional modes, state-of-the-art FMV, and some of the best fighting to be found anywhere.

    Mode-wise, Tekken 3 contains all the modes from Tekken 2. Time attack, team battle, practice mode, and survival mode are all there, and haven't changed a bit. Tekken Force mode is a four-level side-scrolling mode that pits players against tons of ninjas. While it seems like a really neat idea, in practice Tekken Force mode isn't all that great. You can waltz right through the four levels very easily using only the right kick button. Beat Force mode four times, and you'll unlock Dr. Boskonovitch, one of the game's two PlayStation-only characters. Tekken Ball mode draws a few lines in the sand and turns the fighting game into a crazy version of volleyball. Players bat a beach ball back and forth with attacks. Hitting the ball with a special attack transfers the energy of that attack into the ball, giving it an eerie glow. If the opposing player gets hit with the ball, he takes damage. If a player lets the ball drop, he takes damage there as well. Theater mode lets you watch all the Tekken 3 FMV sequences that you've unlocked so far. It also lets you pop in Tekken 2 and check out all the FMV in there, too.

    The gameplay is identical to the arcade. Every move, combo, and character has been transferred over, and a couple of new characters have been added in as well. The aforementioned Dr. Boskonovitch is the scientist that appears in Yoshimitsu's Tekken 2 ending. Unfortunately, the good doctor has suffered some pretty bad spinal injuries and is unable to stand up for more than a few seconds. So you must fight from the ground with all sorts of strange kicking attacks. Gon is a tiny dinosaur from a Japanese comic. He breathes fire, electrifies his body, and passes gas. Gon's limbs are so short, you're never quite sure where his attacks are coming from. Both PlayStation exclusive characters are a waste of space. Dr. B is slightly interesting, but Gon simply has no place in the game at all. Whenever someone picks Gon, it not only makes me want to not play that match, but it also makes me want to just shut the entire game off.

    Tekken 3 presents itself incredibly well. The sound effects are terrific, and the music is nothing short of amazing. From a graphical standpoint, Tekken 3 can't be beat. While the polygon count may have been slightly reduced and the backgrounds made 2D, it still looks absolutely incredible. It is definitely the high water mark for graphics on the PlayStation.

    Not much stands between Tekken 3 and a perfect 10 score. If the PlayStation exclusive characters were better and Force mode a bit more enthralling, it could have come closer to a perfect score. Needless to say, Tekken 3 is the best PlayStation game to come along in a long time, and this one won't be topped anytime soon. --Jeff Gerstmann
    --Copyright ©1999 GameSpot Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of GameSpot is prohibited. GameSpot and the GameSpot logo are trademarks of GameSpot Inc.

  • Customer Reviews

    The King of ALL Fighters5
    Where do I start! This game is immense. The most addictive and enthralling beat'em-up I've ever played. Tekken has gone from strength to strength without failing to dissapoint each time. The game starts out with the obligatory incredible intro sequence, with some of the facial rendering being absolutly mind blowing! Although not Tekkens strong point, Tekken 3 has a genuine story line unlike the other 2: Kill everyone be claimed winner of the Iron Fist Tournament and win some money. The charecters in T3 all have valid reasons for entering the tournament mostly being revenge or love. The graphics in tekken 3 are all super hi-res and move very convincingly especially with King's painful multi-parts. The inclusion of all charecters being able to sidestep and counter moves in one way or another gives the game an extra dimension in fighting with the side throws added, this only adds to the playability of the game. The extra modes are all very entertaining with Tekken Force being the best: a 3-D Streets of Rage. By completing these extra modes under certain conditions extra costumes, charecters and modes are released. The game boasts the fact that Gon is the only licenced charecter to be in the game. Despite the fact that he's not very good, returning home from the pub and fighting as a 3 foot midgit dino who farts and belches fire will be the funniest thing you would have seen in a long while. The game got incredible reviews every where. If you enjoy the odd scrap then you might like this but if you are a beat'em - up purist you'll be involved in this game literally for months. It's that good I'd give it 10/10, 97%, 5*. You will like this game and your a fool if you don'y have it. I have nothing but praise for the game. The only downside being that despite the 23 odd charecters there is more than a few similarities between their moves. Not anything huge but big enough to be slightly annoying but a magnificent game nonetheless.

    Tekken III - the future of combat games5
    I've played all games in the Tekken series, and Tekken III is a vast improvement on the previous 2 versions.

    Compared to most fighting games its graphics and basic gameplay are increadible. Movement of characters, sidesteps and special moves are brilliant, not to mension the convinient range of moves from simple punch combos to advanced throws. Having these levels of move difficulty makes Tekken entertaining for a much longer period of time than many rival fighting games.

    Namco has given the game a realistic feel, with no fireball shooting stuff that many rivals include. Most moves are believable and gravity has been considered in all jumping and flipping attacks. Amazingly this has taken nothing away from the entertainment value, as its charge up moves, uppercuts and throws are just as spectacular as any fireball.

    The game begins with only a third of the characters, most have to be earnt through winning arcade battles at each of the 3 difficulty levels; easy medium and hard. Other modes are included like tekken ball (a painful kind of volleyball) and tekken force (kill heaps of hopeless badguys on the streets) are fun for a while but they are just novelties and aren't anywhere near as enjoyable as arcade and versus mode.

    Most moves are included in the command list when you pause the game, and more can be learnt while watching the computer move in battle.

    Character design is superior to rivals and no player resembles another. This variety and huge number of fighters to choose from means that somewhere in there must be one perfect for you. Do you like brute strength or speed or a balance of the two? Fighters that specialise in uppercuts, kicks, sidesteps, throws, long range and short range tactics are all there plus a few more on the side!

    The background is 2D, but the characters are in 3D and they are all that matters! Camera angles and zoom changes depending on attacks that are executed and detailed frame rate means no jerky movement at all. Smooth graphics, frame rate and reasonable loading speed make the game pleasing to the eye and not trying on your patience.

    This is a five-star game and I recommend it to all PlayStation owners out there!

    Tekken 34
    Tekken 3 is awesome! New characters, new moves, new combos and some favorites as well. Along with some great extra features aside from the tournament like Force Mode, Survival and Volleyball?! Tekken 3 delivers!

    This is a really good game for all gamers and it hits the essence that is 3-D fighting games. Plus new characters and new fighting styles are also pretty cool. The drawback is that the old "button mashing" is still a viable means of winning the fights and for a lot of the characters, some of thier combos that's all you have to do (best example: Eddy Gordo). For those of you advanced gamers, try the new and improved King, Jin and Law.

    Definately check out TEKKEN 3. This one is definitely worth it for the PSone. If you're looking for other great fighting games on the PSone, check out the STREET FIGHTER ALPHA series, SOUL BLADE and DEAD OR ALIVE 2.

    Price: $42.94

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