The hand of God gives the opportunity to play a greater hero in life that has been empowered by the "hand of God." Towards a new world, where bands super powerful attack on small towns. Like a hobo named Gene, and invoke the hand of God the wicked. Interesting to move the twisted painful reactions of enemies, against evil has never been more satisfying. Hand of God unleashed to fight for action above and shocking shades. With a deep combat system, players can create unique fighting styles and personalized.
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Customer Reviews
A Victorious Tongue-In-Cheek Brawler...
So I recently bought God Hand, and it has recently become a nightly fixture. It's safe to say that this is becoming one of my favorite action games of all time- only a rung or so down from DMC3. And it seems like many of the people who actually spent time with the game feel the same way.
Critics, however, bombed this brawler like there was no tomorrow. It's disappointing, because even publications I typically agree with gave the game abysmal scores (for a Clover game, at least). When I first turned the game on, I was unimpressed. After 5 minutes, I really wanted to turn it off. I didn't, and I'm glad that I pressed on. The fact that your arsenal of moves is entirely customizeable is awesome. Then you have all sorts of special attacks. A HUGE number of extra moves and special attacks can be bought from the store, so the number of possible attack sequences is nearly infinite. Depending on what difficulty you play on, you will probably find yourself frequently switching up your movelist to maximize damage or change-up the juggling properties of your combos to match the attributes of the enemies you face. Good stuff...
Critics complained that the number of enemy types is low (it's really not THAT low) and that the game felt repetitive. Except that one thing (the same thing that saved Chaos Legion) saves God Hand from ever feeling repetitive: it's difficult. Anybody who elects to play the game on easy and breeze through may feel slighted- the joy of this game come from defeating the difficult enemies the game throws at the player on normal and hard difficulties. The game is so focused on throwing challenges at the player that it even has a bizarre leveling system. The better you play, the higher your level goes. When you kill enemies at higher levels, you get more money. However, at higher levels, the enemy AI kicks it up several notches.
Critics also complained that the camera was bad. Yet, while the camera can occasionally feel unwieldy, it feels right in the context of this brawler. Since Clover wanted to map the VERY useful array of dodge moves to the right analog stick, there simply isn't room for full camera movement.
There are also some very enjoyable mini-games and side sections to break up the action. There's a casino with slots and video poker as well as a battle ring with assorted challenges.
Add on top of that a really zany sense of humor and an off-beat soundtrack and you get a really quality brawler. Am I the only one that has been loving this gem?
So oldskool it hurts... and it hurts SO good!
This game, in a day and age where graphics and gameplay do not go hand in hand, God Hand has done so and it is one of the most ROCKINEST GAMES you'll ever play. When I said it's so oldskool it hurts, I mean it. Remember NES games and such where bad guys are repititve? Color changed by pixel and basically the same thing over... and over... and over again but for some strange reason you play on because of an x-factor of gameplay you can't quite put your mind and finger to it? God Hand has it and it is a game that is SO rewarding to a game player.
It may not be for everyone and this game will probably end up like some kind of Cult Classic like NES's River City Ransom or Roller Games-- but hands down this game is a wild experience to be had. I've played some good games with awesome boss fights, my most memorable being Legend of Zelda's Windwaker on GC with Ganon at the final fight with the waterfall arena set up... but each and every boss fight in God Hand goes to an epic scale of play. You aren't just playing the hero. YOU ARE THE HERO when you play this game and for hardcore enthusiasts of this genre, it will NOT disappoint.
You wanna develop a hardskin and call yourself a true gamer? Buy this game. You wanna prove that you are ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE and that your gaming chi has developed to the epitimy of zen? BUY THIS GAME!
An excellent game, and a difficult game
This is a fun game. That said, this game can be extremely frustrating at times with the difficulty. However, once you've gotten used to the control style and start finding and buying new techniques it gets easier. This game is definitely fun, but be prepared to pull some of your own hair out at times.
The character design and writing was hilarious. Each character has their own unique personalities. You are guaranteed to laugh as much as you cry when playing through this game.
I'd recommend this game to anybody who appreciates an old-school beat-em-up fighter as well as the unique Japanese sense of humor.
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