The city is in danger, and you alone can save him from the clutches of old enemy: the powerful Electro. He has a mysterious new device that will make his million volts of destruction, death. But, with Spider-Man at Work, Electro is the shock of his life.
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Editorial Reviews Review
Spider-Man was a huge PlayStation hit (it subsequently appeared on both the Dreamcast and PC) because it finally allowed superhero action games to get out of their 2-D beat-'em-up ruts and into the 3-D world. And now the original game's sequel is more than good enough to catch PlayStation gamers in the web once more.
Enter Electro's story follows the plans of that nefarious, electricity-spewing bad guy Electro, who's trying to tap an energy source that'll make him much more powerful and dangerous. After a training level that familiarizes you with the game's controls (and new abilities such as the web-grab, where Spider-Man can send out a web and pull an object back toward him), you must web-swing around New York City and stop Electro, his goons, and various other villains from Spidey's infamous rogue's gallery. The cast of heavies include the Shocker, Hammerhead, the Sandman, the Lizard, and a few others from the first game.
The plot this time out is a little tighter than the last game's mix of stories, and the game draws on the villains' well-known personas to make each encounter interesting. Again, Spider-Man creator Stan Lee narrates the story in his inimitable style, and the voice acting is strong throughout. You can also seek out a few classic Spider-Man covers hidden throughout the game.
Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro is a great sequel; it adds quite a few new tricks and villains, and succeeds in terms of story and plot. It does carry over some of the camera problems from the first game, it depends a bit too much on puzzlelike gameplay, and the save system is still stingy enough to be annoying (you can only save between levels), but webheads out there aren't going to care, and it's nice to see such strong properties are still being released for the good old PlayStation One. --Bob Andrews
Cons: E3 Game Preview
While the sequel to the best comic-book game ever looks a bit too similar to the original, Peter Parker does get to use his brain as much as his brawn to survive in this version. Most of the fighting, jumping, and webslinging look as though they're lifted from the first game, but the ability to use objects in your environment (including on city streets) to solve puzzles is a big plus. Aside from new fighting combos and villains from the comic, we're not sure just how this installment will alter the original's (already good) formula. --Mark Brooks
See more of's E3 game previews.
Customer Reviews
Don't read any review that says it's bad!
This is a great game, but I'm not just going to say it's great and you should go out and buy it. That really doesn't tell you anything about the game itself. It's got training levels which has Rouge and Proffesser X training you. Beast is in the first level, telling you about the items and some old and new things. It is narrated by Stan Lee. The Levels aren't as easy as they were in Spiderman 1, and some peopl would say that's good, others would say that's bad. The Bosses are also a bit harder, and most of them have a special tactique to beat them, which some people will like, and others won't. The Bosses are Shocker, Sandman, Hammerhead, the Lizard, Electro, and Hyper Electro, who is exclusive to the game. Normally I wouldn't have told you the name and just said a new character will appear, but someone else will later tell you in their review, so what's the point? There are a variety of levels, including a lab, a museam, A warehouse, and ofcourse New york(I think). The controlls are the same as the first Spidey game, and the music not much different. The graphics are a bit better. Plenty of the peoples mouths still don't move. really only characters with big mouths have their mouth moving. I'm pretty sur that there aren't any like that in thi game, so it's bassically sound coming from nowhere. You can still tell who's talking though. Also, plenty of the Villains from Spidey 1, make a camo. Comic covers and new suits are also in this game, along with Newspaper headlines wich vary depending on whether you won or lost. Also Parkers Portfolio. Pictures of Spidey versing the Bosses(Art work not a screen shot). To get them all you have to beat the game in every mode. Also the Thugs don't say much but "Your swinging days are over" or "You're dead good doer". I don't think that's a word but yopu should be able to ignore that(Or not).
All in all a great game and a must have for anyone, not just Spidey fans.
I wanted more supervillains
If you are an avid Spiderman fan and couldn't wait until a gaming company would finally come out with a game worth the price of a rental, let alone a game worth buying, then I'm quite certain your appetite was sated by the arrival of the first Spiderman game for the Playstation. I too, am one of those faithful to the "Web Head." The first installment was a real treat, loaded with what Spidey fans love the most, namely the supervillains, pulp story material and the voice-overs from Stan Lee. I mean, you had our hero fighting everyone from Venom, to Carnage, to Doc Ock, to Rhino, to Scorpion and it never seemed to let up on action. Now I understand that Activision probably couldn't, nor would they want to, squeeze all of Spidey's adversaries into the first game. But when I heard Spiderman 2: Enter Electro was going to be released, I automatically thought that it would feature a plethora of fightable supervillains. Even though there are some classic foes to crush it's not enough and there are several I would have liked to fight as the world famous Web Slinger. I gave the game three stars for the three best villains in the game. I won't give them away, but you'll know who the top three are when you finish it. Other than the "Bad Guy" aspect, nothing really differs from the first Spiderman. The controls, graphics and voices all feel, look and sound the same. If you are a die hard Spidey fan I would recommend buying this game since it is clearly the best superhero franchise on the market for the Playstation One. If you're not, then rent it first. As for me, I hope that Activision makes a third game and includes like 15 different supervillains for Spiderman to fight, including a superhero team-up level against the Sinister Six.
Spider man1 was a bomb.But this one is even Better.It has a good story line but there are some cons and pros
1)Good graphics
2)easy controls
3)Loads of different costumes
1)Faulty camera angles
2)The games too short
And does any one want a handy cheat .WELL!!!go to the cheats menu and write "AUNT MAY"this cheat will unlock EVERYTHING.all costumes all levels and whatever.
WELL then Happy Gaming!
Over all :Actually I,ll give it a 4.5
Price: $69.88
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