NBA 2K7 PS3 NBA rings Voted best current and next generation of press and gamers, NBA 2K7 continues its legacy of dominance this year on hard courts. The famous Shot Stick - voted one of the best innovations of 2005 - returns with more responsive controls and new mechanics to master. Combined with incredible graphics, including animation technology sweat and hair, renovated after the game, and hundreds of new shooting, passing, dribbling and animations, NBA 2K7 is ready for another run as # 1 rated simulation NBA.
วันเสาร์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551
NBA 2K7 PS3 NBA rings Voted best current and next generation of press and gamers, NBA 2K7 continues its legacy of dominance this year on hard courts. The famous Shot Stick - voted one of the best innovations of 2005 - returns with more responsive controls and new mechanics to master. Combined with incredible graphics, including animation technology sweat and hair, renovated after the game, and hundreds of new shooting, passing, dribbling and animations, NBA 2K7 is ready for another run as # 1 rated simulation NBA.
Customer Reviews
Best basketball game in video game history.
I've been playing video games since the Atari 2600 days, been through dozens and dozens of basketball games and I can honestly say NBA 2k7 is the best b'ball game I've personally ever played. I think you'll love it too. NBA 2K7 is the most realistic basketball simulation ever. It looks and plays like a real NBA game and I can't get enough of it. The graphics are stunning, gameplay is tight and the sound is awesome.
Graphics: Not comparing to NBA 07, NBA 2k7 in it's own right is a spectacular looking PS3 game. The mostion caputred move are smooth as silk and transition from one motion to the next looks flawless. Watching players do their signature free throws and shots are sweet added touches. The reflective polish of the courts looks much brighter and shinier than it it does on the 360. The stadiums look incredible and the fans in the stands are even fun to watch when you're not playing the action. You'll see cameramen, mascots, cheerleaders and lots of fans throughout. The players faces look a bit better than the 360 version, as at times they looked like zombies. But on the Ps3 things are much improved. There are some sweet montion captured moves including countless dunks throughout the game. Signature dunks, signature moves and signature free throws will immerse you in the experience.
Gameplay: Forget NBA live, forget NBA 07, this is the best playing basketball game in the world. ON the fly substitions and play calling (without having to pause the game) tight and smooth realistic gameplay will suck you in. The PS3 sixaxis controller works great for 2k7. The only time the sixaxis comes into play with 2k7 is on the free throws. It takes some time to getting used to, but over time, it become second nature. The shot stick on the right stick still works wonders and makes some crazy shots. The computer opponents are very tough even on easier difficulty levels. But the online mutiplayer is where the fun is really at.
Online: Initially the game was suffering when the PS3 was in it's infancy, but things seem to be great now. I haven't had any problems online since, the game plays fast and without any lag as long as you have a good connection.
Sound: Kenny Harlin is back and his comments do get the job done, but it's the same stuff he's been saying for years. They need to update his stuff. Good music on the menu screens and great sound and crowd noise. Nothing to really complain about.
Final Call: This is my favorite game for the PS3. Sports fans need not to hesitate, this is a must have, you won't be disappointed!
best ever
This is the best basketball game ever played. The Graphix are amazing and game play outstanding.I cant stop playing this game!
nba 2k7 review
the game gives nearly every player in the teams' starting lineup a signature shot and some signature moves. The career mode is chalenging and fun. the gameplay is fun and addictive. The gameplay is fun but the freethrow shooting is very chalenging. nba 2k7 is a must buy for even the casual gamer. nba 07 is more bugged with glihces.
Price: $31.45
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