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Fat Princess [Online Game Code - Full Game]

Fat Princess  [Online Game Code - Full Game]

Register your team beloved Princess Royal medieval battle comic. There is one drawback, however, the other team was his cake magic power, which makes it difficult to accompany him to his castle. Choose from five different characters and change at any time to help his team better. Charge headlong into the battle, heal your teammates as they break through enemy lines, and upgrade equipment and defended the castle while working with your team to save his princess. Full HD 1080p requires an HDMI cable and a 1080p native display with an HDMI input supporting HDCP.

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #4061 in Video Games
  • Brand: Sony Computer Entertainment
  • Model: UP9000-NPUA80139_00-FATPRINCESS00001
  • Released on: 2009-07-29
  • ESRB Rating: Teen
  • Platform: PLAYSTATION 3
  • Format: Download

  • Features

  • Online Multiplayer - Face off in online matches with up to 32 players and in-game voice chat.
  • Unique and Varied Maps - Enjoy eight comical and challenging maps, plus two special arena-style single-player levels.
  • Five Character Classes - Change between Worker, Warrior, Ranger, Mage and Priest simply by picking up a new hat.
  • Unique Game Modes - After the seven-chapter single-player campaign, enjoy custom games of Rescue the Princess, Snatch 'n Grab, Team Deathmatch and Invasion.
  • Customizable Avatars - Create your own personal avatar before you charge into battle, and unlock new customization options during gameplay.

  • Customer Reviews

    Addicting - don't hesitate to buy! Absolute Classic5
    I don't get why this game has such low ratings - I've been playing it ever since it came out, and I'm still not bored of it. If you have a ps3, a headset, and a controller - you have no reason to not own this game. It has great music and colorful, unique graphics - and most of all, addicting gameplay. There's nothing quite like hooking up your headset and playing a game with your friends miles away who are on their headsets, joining together to capture an outpost, break down a wall, or capture the princess.

    Now granted, this game isn't perfect - online matches can get stale, with neither team gaining any ground and the match going on for hours (at worst) - but if that happens, you simply enter another match. This shouldn't be so hard to figure out, people. Of course I would rather not have to deal with that (who wouldn't?) but the reality is that this happens not all that often, so most of the time I am jumping into matches that are very enjoyable. And of course, there's always the offline mode - which has plenty of merit itself - an entertaining children's story-book driven single player campaign (although with a lame ending I must admit), bot battling, and the "gladiate" mode, where you fight off enemies in an arena. Plus there's the "get fabulous" section - where you customize your character's appearance.

    I think this is an excellent game, well worth the money - it's flaws are very easily overlooked, in my opinion at least. And my friends agree - we've clocked countless hours into it already and I don't see that changing anytime soon. If you want a game that'll hook you - get this. Probably the best PSN title of the year.

    The only reason I'm writing this review is because it's score is much too low right now. This game really is fun. Sometimes it's hard to get matched up, but aside from that it's great! The idea of the game is like Smash TV meets Team Fortress 2. Like the latter, it has and overhead view and a projectile attacking character. Like the latter, it's a class based online Capture the Flag. In this case, the flags are princesses you can make harder to carry away by feeding them cake. This is implemented very well, and works best when you play with friends and headsets, set a strategy, assign jobs, etc. etc. My main complaint is that you can't play online with friends on the same system. Most of my friends don't own PS3s, so playing with them in the game is pretty much impossible. Aside from that, it's a great experience and worth the premium $15 price tag. Don't hesitate to download this one.

    "Victory is mine! Pwned!"5
    Like a lot of games with an online community, it usually comes down to the community and the longevity that makes you keep coming back. What makes Fat Princess unique is that its a multiplayer that you've most likely never seen before and helps it stand out from all the FPS shooters out there. While it initially had a shaky start with bad servers and disconnects, now it's become quite fun in its own right. The basics of the game are very simple, you'll get the hang of things supremely fast and instead of the multiple pages showing you how to play, eventually you'll understand everything and even figure out your own tips to your advantage. But my suggestion is to use a mic because the whole thing about Fat Princess is communication, teamwork and coming up with strategies but just dont be a jerk about it. Heh, what I mean is dont become an armchair general and order everyone to do what you want and get mad when you dont but if you team up with players and actually use your mics, it's a huge blast.

    The goal behind the game is the titular character herself, a cute-as-a-button princess that craves cake. However, each team has the other team's princess locked up and its up to your team to rescue yours from the enemy base and prevent their team from rescuing theirs. Blocking your progress are castle gates which have to be destroyed in order to get in though there's other ways around which I'll get to. There's always what's called Snatch-and-Grab which is like Rescue the Princess but you do it 3 times and there's also a Team Deathmatch-esque mode which is basically the teams have a certain amount of kills you have to get to win the match and there's also a Soccer match which is exactly that though I rarely if ever see anyone on it.

    Let's get down to the classes. Each class can be upgraded which will allow for a second and useful added ability. One of the primaries is the Soldier, a sword/shield user that is more-or-less the tank in the game with his upgrade being a halberd which has a nice dash attack. The Mage which can shoot fireballs or ice balls or do an AoE attack that burns/freezes enemies in the surrounding area. The Priest who is basically the healer though his upgrade is a bit different. He's actually a dark priest that locked on, saps health from enemies and an AoE attack which basically curses the players and skews their controls a bit. The Ranger is as expected the long range user with either a bow or a blunderbuss (shotgun) which can be lit on fire for extra damage (hit their weak spot for massive damage :P ). But the backbone of the team is the Worker, the resource gatherer if you will which is either the wood from trees or metal from rocks which are the source of your upgrades. The wood can also be used to build/rebuild damaged doors but also build ladders into enemy bases or the castle's catapult which propels teammates faster across the map or if you time it well enough, provides a speedier getaway for a team rescuing the princess.

    That's really the gist of it though there's more. Why is it called Fat Princess when you first see her and she's actually quite short and tiny? Well that's where cake comes in as continously feeding her slices found in the map plumps her up (complete with deepening of voice) which makes it especially harder for the enemy team to carry her across the map. While it's incredibly useful and the more people "escorting" a princess, the faster they run so if she's skinny well, might as well give them a car while you're at it, the inherent problem comes in that teammates have to constantly feed her cake or she drops her weight supremely fast (if only that were so in real life, eh ladies?) and pretty soon your team might feel like "screw it".

    Now the game is bright and colorful though it does got gore and blood which can be turned off in the menu but this is probably one of the more cuter violent games out there but the game's so fun and so chaotic that it's hard to get completely offended. As for gripes well, let's say you rescue the princess nearly the same time they've taken yours back. Normally if it was just one then there'll be a timer and if the other team hasn't at least grabbed her, then match over but if it happens where everyone has their princess back well matches can go on forever as everyone camps their team's princess and matches can take almost way too long to actually finish. Also, let's say you're a Priest and you want to heal a Warrior who is doing well on battle but his health is really low. With all the chaos you'll be in, it's hard to target that ONE specific character and many times a teammate will die because you kept healing the fully healed Ranger that was beside him. And there's still occasionally the server problem where you leave a match, join match and get put into the same match or can't find one but generally it's way better than launch.

    If you want a fun multiplayer that's accessible and way different than the Call of Duty's and Gears of the world then Fat Princess works really well. And Titan Studios does do patches which not only help the game but add new maps. But would've been nice if that Ninja and Pirate classes were real. WTF, Titan?!

    Price: $14.99

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