Second PSP incarnation of the famous franchise, EA Sports. For 06 players are more sensitive and critical functions such as control of first contact have been reassigned in a way that makes sense. When you want to throw the ball moves or play in an area of your choice as a stage comes to you, hold the left shoulder and the verge of analog stick movement or use first touch. The juggling mini-game is another excellent addition to FIFA for PSP. It is a simple game that requires only that you type in the right direction on the D-pad enough time for a ball bouncing off a player's feet, knees, shoulders and head just as long as possible.
Also known as: FIFA 2006 EA Sports, FIFA Soccer 2006 FIFA Soccer 2006, FIFA 06, FIFA 06
Departure Region: United States
Release Date: October 18, 2005
Product Details
Editorial Reviews
From the Manufacturer
Become a soccer player or manager and guide a team to its destiny! FIFA 2006 brings you intense and realistic soccer action--the world-class soccer action that true fans crave! Get out on the pitch as you play a complete authentic and intelligent soccer experience. Become a player or a manager as you guide a team through its career and create a legend. Challenging "team chemistry" keeps teams in the game pulling together when the game gets rough. New advantage rule and improved set piece rules give you more flexibility--now you can experiment with throw-ins play short corner and more. Try manager mode in the FIFA lounge--pick a team, pick tactics, handle licensing, and keep player chemistry as high as possible. As you win against tougher and tougher teams, you'll earn points you can spend on improved skills, special tricks, and more. Unlock player interviews, classic footage of the greatest goals in soccer history, even a playable version of FIFA '94.
Customer Reviews
Great for on the Go....
This is a fantastic game if you want a quick footie fix. The graphics are great for a hand held. The stadiums, crowd noise, and crowd response to events are very realistic. I only wish there was a deeper manager mode like the full versions. You can play a season as any team in any league but you cannot make transfers during the season. Also there are no cup competitions being played during your season. You can play for any cup but as a separate game. Other than that this is a must have for any serious footie fan. There is nothing like squeezing in a quick match between meetings at the office.
Fifa 06.
This is my favorite soccer game on the psp but i still do not care for it that much. It is hard just like all of the other ones but not as hard. The graphics r good becides when u score a goal and it has a close up of whoever scored it. It has more teams than the older ones and the game play is allot better. The fouls get called allot eaiser on this one too so that is a problem for me. After u tell the person how hard to kick it it takes them ever to kick it so the other team ends up getting it. It is harder to dribble around people on this one but when u do u usually score a goal allot eaiser. This game is good but i like the ones on other systems better.
Pretty Good
If you've played any of the FIFA games of the past, this one keeps up with the rest. The game play is basically the same and graphics are impressive given that the PSP is not as powerful a system as some others.
One thing to note, the juggling aspect is pretty cool. Gives you a break from dominating your season. When you are juggling, the screen actually turns upright. Not a bad thought on FIFA's part.
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